I get a lot of questions from people about foods to support fertility. I like to call the most important of these foods “fertility foods” because they support your health in a very important way. That’s because in today’s society we don’t have complete control over what we eat, where it came from, or how it was made. We try and control as much of it as possible, but lets face it, sometimes you have to eat on the go at a place that you usually avoid like the plague. Due to the fact that our food supply has changed in recent years a lot of people have a weak digestive system. Your digestive system is suppose to break down the food that you eat, take out the nutrients that you need, and let the rest go as waste. If digestion is weak or compromised in any way we aren’t able to get everything that we need from our food. So with a weak digestive system it becomes even more important to eat fertility foods.
Enter the superfood congee!
Congee is a slow cooked porridge that is easy to digest. In China they traditionally eat it for breakfast as well as during times of ill health.You can make it sweet or savory and of varying textures and a google search will pull up thousands of results. Here is a link to my favorite recipe for this time of year.
So if you get nothing else from me, try congee. If you have weak digestion (gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, pain, etc. are all signs of weakness) it may be one of the most significant changes you make to improve your health. By the way, it’s also good for anyone with asthma, allergies, or trying to get pregnant (hence why I call it a fertility food!). So give it a try, and if you don’t like it, email me and tell me why. I can usually find a way to tweak it so that you’ll eat it. That way you can benefit from this ancient secret. After all, you are what you eat!
Copyright: marrakeshh / 123RF Stock Photo